About Integrative Chiropractic & Weight Loss
Based in Portland, Maine.Dr. Joseph Hayes & Practice History
Growing up in Newport, Rhode Island, as the son of a funeral director, gave him a unique insight into the frailty of life. He realized at an early age that life is precious and needs to be nurtured and cherished. After serving, he also saw countless injuries and accidents, which further cemented the knowledge that “life turns on a dime.”
After attending the US Army Academy of Health Sciences, he served as a PT specialist. After his active duty service, he returned to RI and worked in-home care physical therapy. Working with stroke and chronic pain patients gave him the drive to seek a career where he could help people prevent chronic pain and injury. The chiropractic philosophy was attractive to him as good health and prevention are core to chiropractic. He has to remind people that chiropractic “invented” holistic care.
Dr. Hayes decided to attend Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, IA. There, he met his wife, Heather, who now works alongside him in the office. They have two children, Anna and Isaac. As a family, they enjoy spending time together and continuing to explore the beauty of Maine and New England. Dr. Hayes is also a car enthusiast and participates in solo racing.
Philosophy of Care
After graduating from Palmer College, Dr. Hayes saw many patients with severe and chronic low back pain as well as acute and chronic disc disease and herniations. He was also presented with multiple car accident victims. While caring for these patients, he looked for the most advanced and researched chiropractic techniques in the area of disc disease.
This led him to become certified in the Cox technique of decompression manipulation. The Cox technique is a gentle but effective way to heal disc disease and has a better than 90% record of preventing disc surgery. This is also effective in treating people who prefer a more gentle type of adjustment.
After being certified in Activator Methods, Dr. Hayes became enamored with the Arthrostim instrument adjustment system and sought Dr. Alan Creed to learn this technique. This system of 3 adjustments is enjoyed by many of his patients and has provided relief and corrective care, especially to people with postural issues.
Each patient is, of course, unique, which is why Dr. Hayes is certified and trained in so many techniques. “Every patient is unique and may require a few different techniques to reach their health goals.” He never knows until care starts what each patient will need, but he knows he must be ready to treat everyone as an individual. He is thrilled to have had the opportunity to learn different ways to treat so many different people. His philosophy of care came about from what was needed to serve those who came to him to reach their health goals. “you have to be prepared, as challenges are unique to each person.”
After being in practice for several years, he decided to attend and become certified for whiplash and brain traumatology from the Spine Research Institute of San Diego. While caring for Whiplash and athletic injuries, he realized that the soft tissue injury component had to be addressed.
This led him to become trained in the Graston Technique of Soft tissue mobilization. “I was shocked at the results we obtained with Graston and truly wondered how I would have cared for so many athletic and whiplash injuries without it.” Soft tissue care has become an integral part of his philosophy of care and allowed him to treat people with chronic sports, motor vehicles, and “life” injuries.
All of the above is why he decided to call his clinic integrative. “I know this is something really common to use, but I truly do try to integrate true healing. Your chiropractic adjustments, your nutrition, your exercise, and your life goals: All must be integrated for you to live life to the best of your God-given abilities. It’s not an accident that we treat the way we do.”
“This philosophy of care has come about from my life experience and what my patients have taught me over the years. We all know that life is difficult and challenges always come about. Meeting and defeating these challenges requires an ‘integrative.’ approach. Nutrition is vital! Most people do not know how nutritionally deficient they are and how they must address this before true healing and health begins.”
What to expect when becoming a Patient?
For your initial visit, you will be asked to arrive 15 minutes early to fill out our new patient paperwork.
Dr. Hayes will take an extensive health history as well as perform a physical exam, including neurological testing as well as Orthopedic tests, to determine what your actual problem is. The doctor will ask you various questions related to your condition.
Next, a number of specialized tests will be performed to determine which tissues are affected and to what extent. Once that is completed, he will do a spinal manipulation as well as modalities if necessary.
He will create a treatment plan specific for you to get you out of pain and on the road to better health as soon as possible. You will leave with a treatment plan and will schedule accordingly on your way out.